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Training Tips: Play more video games

14 Aug 17

Your mum and dad may have told you to stop wasting your time playing FIFA or other sports video games as a kid. But research into gaming has shown spending all of that time playing could really help you...

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Football Teaches Lessons: Don’t Give Up

10 Aug 17

Football is a sport that is tough physically and mentally. Physically, you could be crashing into a defender or mentally you may be overcome with anger from missing an open goal scoring opportunity. Football...

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Football Trials: Tips for Parents of Football Players

7 Aug 17

Parents of football players are a passionate bunch, and many times, they maybe more passionate than their children. All parents of football players want to see their sons or daughters succeed. However,...

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Players Need to Eat the Right Football Foods to be Successful

24 Jul 17

Did you know different football positions require different types of food? Players need their energy levels to be high for a match, but each player and position needs a different type of energy. It is...

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Play Football Abroad – Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

20 Jul 17

Too often, football players stay within their comfort zones. It can difficult to do something new, especially when you have done the same thing for so long. I have seen plenty of talented young football...

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5 Football Trial Tips for Football Players

17 Jul 17

Football players around the world are preparing for a new season and many young footballers are gearing up for a trial with a club. Some lucky football players will sign contracts with clubs, while others...

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European Football Trial: Accommodation

13 Jul 17

You have got you football CV completed, that is step one. Now football clubs across Europe are looking at your CV, and your chances of a European football trial now hinge on whether they like your playing...

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Football Trials in Asia

10 Jul 17

Football trials in Asia are easier to obtain than you think; and a professional contract could be waiting for you in the Far East. Football clubs across the continent need high-quality foreign football...

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Striker Training to Score Goals for Next Football Trials

6 Jul 17

On paper, strikers have a pretty simple job on the pitch, and that is to score goals. A goal scorer never goes out of fashion and that is why good strikers are so important to football clubs around the...

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Football Training Recovery: Get Your Body Rehydrated and Ready

3 Jul 17

It's the offseason for many football players, and for some, that means getting ready for their next trial or club preseason. Others - depending on where they play - are in the midst of a gruelling season....

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Spanish Football Trials

29 Jun 17

Spanish football trials are currently taking place and numerous players are taking part that we have placed with clubs across the country.

Just like other countries around the world, Spanish teams are...

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get a trial with a professional football club in Europe

A Football CV is a Summertime Must

26 Jun 17

Every football player, no matter their age, should have a football CV if they take their game seriously. What does a football CV do? Well, it outlines where you have played, key skills, honours you have...

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