Football players around the world are preparing for a new season and many young footballers are gearing up for a trial with a club. Some lucky football players will sign contracts with clubs, while others will continue to search for a team to take them on.
Today’s football means players regularly have to compete in trials to prove their worth. Some clubs even have veterans competing in trials to gain a spot on their teams. A trial weeds out those football players who can cut it, and those that aren’t quite to the level.
There are something you can do to better your chance of a contract. Let’s look at a five tips.
It may sound funny, or even ridiculous, but some trialist forget to bring their gear. It is important that you double check your bags before heading off to a football trial. There is nothing worse than flying thousands of miles only to realise you haven’t packed your boots. It is probably wise to bring two pairs of football boots, running shoes, shin guards and flip flops for the dressing room for you football trial.
Having the right, or wrong, attitude can make or break your trial. Be humble, positive and ready for anything that comes your way. Coaches pick up bad attitudes quickly, and despite having the talent, a coach may pass on you if your head isn’t right.
Keep It Simple
Coaches aren’t interested in the amazing highlight reel skills you possess. What they want to see is that you are capable of doing the basics. They also want to see they you will fit into the team and complete the tasks you are signed to do in your position.
Go For It
Most trials aren’t that long. Yes, some can be, but a majority of trials can last three to five days. Some coaches will even make up their minds in the first day, although some may take the entire trial, about signing you. Football players must get into the training right away, and shouldn’t be afraid to be as aggressive as possible. As the English say, “get stuck in”. Just don’t hurt anyone, especially yourself.
Keep Going
This falls in line with some of the other tips, but players on trial must never give up. By all means, trialists must keep going. Even if you aren’t successful with your current trial, it is important you make it to the next until you get that professional contract. It may take a little bit of time, but once you get there, it is worth every minute.
These tips can help you get that contract you are striving for. Just don’t give up.