It is the offseason for many football players which means a time of relaxing, right? Not necessarily. The offseason is the time to improve and develop your skills, especially if you are going on trial with a new club ahead of the new season. Football trials are difficult, but it is important to realise that there are reasons why you are on trial and not signed. To get signed to a new team, you must be better than you were in the past. Here are some tips for your next football trial.
Maintain a high level of fitness
Fitness can be the biggest difference between earning a place with a new club and missing out. If you are not able to keep up with the rest of the players during a trial, the coaches won’t hesitate to release you from the tryout.
Know you position
There is nothing worse than a player showing up for a trial and not understanding their position. In addition, players show up at trials claiming to play a position that is not their strongest. If you want to impress coaches, you need to know your best position and understand its responsibilities.
Show what you can do
Coaches do not want to see you show off during a trial. They do want to see you play to your full potential. Selfish players do not impress coaches. Instead of impressing coaches, selfish players turn coaches off and can result in a failed attempt at a football trial.
Eat and hydrate properly
Before you leave for your football trial, it is vital to eat and hydrate properly. If you do not fuel your body, then you will not be able to play to your fullest. Food and hydration can keep you going when other players at the trial are fading.