9 Football Trial Tips to Get Scouted and Land a Spot

9 Football Trial Tips to Get Scouted and Land a Spot
9 Football Trial Tips to Get Scouted and Land a Spot


Football trials can be a thrilling yet daunting experience, especially if you’re aiming to get scouted and secure a spot on a team. Whether you’re a young hopeful or an aspiring professional, preparation and the right approach are key to standing out. Here are 9 football trial tips that will help you impress the scouts and increase your chances of making the cut.

1. Prepare Physically and Mentally

Why It Matters

Football trials are demanding, both physically and mentally. Being in top physical condition can boost your performance, while mental preparedness ensures you stay focused and confident.

How to Prepare

  • Fitness Regimen: Engage in regular cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Focus on endurance, speed, and agility.
  • Mental Exercises: Practice visualization techniques to imagine yourself performing well. Build confidence through positive self-talk and mindfulness.

Tip for Trials

“Being fit and mentally sharp is crucial. It shows you’re ready to take on challenges and handle pressure,” says Coach John Smith from the Premier League Academy.

2. Showcase Fundamental Skills

Why It Matters

Scouts are looking for players with strong basic skills. Mastery of fundamentals like passing, dribbling, and shooting is essential.

How to Prepare

  • Passing: Practice short and long passes with both feet.
  • Dribbling: Improve ball control and agility through cone drills.
  • Shooting: Work on accuracy and power with various shooting drills.

Tip for Trials

“Players who demonstrate excellent basic skills are always noticed. It’s the foundation of your game,” notes Coach Emma Taylor from the FA Youth Development Programme.

3. Understand the Game Tactically

Why It Matters

A good tactical understanding of the game shows that you can think on your feet and make smart decisions, a quality highly valued by scouts.

How to Prepare

  • Watch Matches: Study professional games to understand different formations and strategies.
  • Play Smart: Practice reading the game, anticipating opponents’ moves, and positioning yourself effectively.

Tip for Trials

“Tactical awareness sets players apart. It shows you can adapt and contribute to the team’s strategy,” explains Coach Michael Harris from the England U-21 team.

4. Communicate on the Field

Why It Matters

Football is a team sport, and effective communication can significantly enhance team performance. Scouts look for players who can communicate clearly and confidently.

How to Prepare

  • Verbal Skills: Practice giving clear, concise instructions and encouragement to teammates.
  • Non-Verbal Skills: Use body language and eye contact to signal intentions.

Tip for Trials

“Good communicators enhance team cohesion and performance, making them invaluable assets,” says Coach Lisa Brown from the Women’s Super League.

5. Showcase Your Versatility

Why It Matters

Versatile players who can adapt to different positions and roles are highly valued by scouts. Flexibility makes you a more valuable player.

How to Prepare

  • Learn Multiple Positions: Train in various roles to understand different aspects of the game.
  • Adaptability: Be prepared to switch positions during the trial if asked.

Tip for Trials

“Versatility is a big plus. It shows you’re adaptable and can fill multiple roles when needed,” notes Coach Alex Carter from the National Football Centre.

6. Display a Positive Attitude

Why It Matters

A positive attitude can set you apart from other players. Scouts appreciate players who are enthusiastic, resilient, and willing to learn.

How to Prepare

  • Sportsmanship: Always show respect for coaches, teammates, and opponents.
  • Work Ethic: Demonstrate your commitment by working hard and staying focused.
  • Resilience: Bounce back quickly from mistakes and keep pushing forward.

Tip for Trials

“Players with a positive attitude are often seen as leaders and motivators, which is highly valued,” emphasizes Coach David Green from the Youth Talent Academy.

7. Make an Early Impact

Why It Matters

First impressions matter a lot in trials. Making an impact early can set the tone for the rest of the session and keep you in the scouts’ minds.

How to Prepare

  • Warm-Up: Arrive early and do a thorough warm-up to be ready from the start.
  • High Energy: Start with high intensity and maintain it throughout the trial.
  • Assertiveness: Be proactive in seeking the ball and making plays.

Tip for Trials

“Starting strong grabs attention and sets a positive tone for your trial performance,” says Coach Emily Jones from the Regional Development Squad.

8. Be Coachable

Why It Matters

Coaches value players who are open to feedback and willing to improve. Being coachable shows you have the potential for growth.

How to Prepare

  • Listen Actively: Pay close attention to instructions and feedback.
  • Apply Feedback: Implement the suggestions you receive to show you’re adaptable.
  • Ask Questions: Show eagerness to learn by asking thoughtful questions.

Tip for Trials

“Coachability is a trait we highly value. It indicates that the player is willing to put in the work to improve,” asserts Coach James Reid from the Elite Training Centre.

9. Stay Hydrated and Energized

Why It Matters

Proper hydration and nutrition can significantly impact your performance. Staying hydrated and energized ensures you maintain peak performance throughout the trial.

How to Prepare

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after the trial.
  • Nutrition: Eat a balanced meal rich in carbohydrates and proteins a few hours before the trial.
  • Snacks: Bring healthy snacks like fruits or energy bars for quick energy boosts.

Tip for Trials

“Hydration and proper nutrition are often overlooked but are crucial for maintaining energy levels and performance,” advises Coach Tom Walker from the FA Nutrition Team.


By following these 9 football trial tips, you’ll be well-equipped to make a lasting impression on the scouts and increase your chances of securing a spot on a team. Remember, preparation is key, and combining these tips with hard work and determination will set you on the path to success.

For more tips and guidelines, refer to FIFA’s official website and stay updated with the latest in football training and development. Share your trial experiences using hashtags like #FootballTrials, #GetScouted, and #UKFootball.

Good luck, and may your football dreams come true!


Read another article on How to Stand Out at Football Trials: 8 Tips from Top Coaches