What Makes a Football Trial Legit? Insights from Premier Football UK
Picture this: Your dream is to play for Chelsea. Then, you get invited to a trial that can get you on as a Chelsea player. But getting there, you realize that the “Chelsea” tag was just bait to get more people to attend the trials.
If you’ll be disappointed by this, don’t worry, you’re not alone. The question we’ll be answering in today’s post is, how do you know if a football trial is legit or if you need to keep looking?
What is a football trial?
It’s simple. You want to play football for a particular club, so you go to a kind of “audition” to show them how much you know and why they should pick you. And you’re doing this in the presence of coaches, scouts, and even team selectors. So yeah, it’s a pretty big deal if you’re hoping to make a name in football.
As a player, you must learn to protect yourself from scams while you’re seeking opportunities to get signed by your dream club. Before going for any trial, these are four questions you must answer.
Have you done adequate research about the trial?
While you may want to enter as many trials as possible, it is important that you only participate in those that won’t waste your time. A legit trial will have organizers who are willing to provide enough information.
Read as much as you can; who is organizing the football trial? If it’s a club, are they following the approved trial guidelines from FIFA? If it’s through an agent, find out who they are and how they have run trials in the past.
The agency’s website is always a good place to start searching from, like this one. Whatever you do, ensure that you have answers to most (if not all of these questions).
Do the organizers have connections to real clubs?
Do you remember our opening story? To avoid situations like that, then this question is necessary. A good football trial should be backed by professional clubs because they’ll give you an authentic experience and a genuine opportunity to showcase your skills.
For instance, at Premier Football UK, we collaborate with various clubs to ensure that our participants are seen by scouts and coaches who have the authority to make decisions about player recruitment.
This connection to real clubs will not only help you determine the legitimacy of the trial but also increase your chances of being signed by these clubs.
Is there a system for direct feedback after the trial?
It can be frustrating to participate in an activity and get no feedback, right? It could leave you feeling unsure of what your next step should be. As a player, you must be certain that any football trial you’re going to participate in has a proper feedback structure.
If you’re currently in a trial where there’s no feedback system, that may be a sign that the trial is not legit. You should be able to get constructive criticism from the coaches, the scouts, and even other players. At Premier Football UK, we take feedback seriously because without it, you simply won’t grow.
Of course, it won’t matter if you do not properly analyze this feedback. If you want to read on how best to analyze and implement feedback, click here.
Is there a structure for programs?
If you’re going through agencies like ours, then this tip is crucial. One way to spot a legit trial is that they have a structure that can accommodate the individual needs of each player.
For example, while Premier Football UK links UK players with opportunities in Europe, we also have a structure for those who may not want to play within the UK. So whether you’re looking for a trial near you or you want to settle in Asia, there’s a space for you here.
Remember, you’re not the only one who needs to be composed and organiZed for trials. Your agency owes you that too.
There are almost more football trial scams out there than real ones, which is why a trusted agency to handle your football trial journey is the best gift you can give yourself. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you, click here. You deserve the best experience trial experiences and with us, you’re guaranteed that experience and more!