It is vital to Prepare for your professional soccer showcase thoroughly, The information below will help you and direct you to where you want to be.
Both physical and mental preparation are vital and if they are both not correct your performance will suffer.
Listen stay engaged and make eye contact with your coach. Follow drills and orders at all time and be responsive to any questions asked. Make the coach aware that you are focused and can learn quickly. Prepare for your professional soccer showcase is a must and if you dont, you will only have yourself to blame.
Let your desire to play be seen by the coach, Leave everything on the field from start to finish.
The job of the parent is to first be realistic in where their child is at the current time of the try-out. Are you placing them into a cauldron of ability that is way beyond where they currently are?
Ask for guidance on this from other coaches and peers, don’t let just your opinion take the lead. Once you have determined that the team and ability level is correct for your child, you now must give them confidence.
Remind your player of his or her strengths by getting them to tell you what they are good at.
- Display these strengths within your professional soccer showcase
- Take each play as a single play, succeed or not, it will be in their best interests to quickly forget about that play and move to the next one.
- Being able to focus on one play at a time during the session will help them stay in a performance-focused mindset.
Players who can stay focused on their performance throughout the entire session — and not react to each and every outcome of every play — will have a better chance of success.