Pre- Season Training in Germany:
Pre-season training, I hear someone ask. What is that all about? Well, many people think sport, especially football, is all about competitive games all year round. Not true! Football isn’t played all year round because there is a period where players aren’t involved in competitive games but engage in pre-season training as well as injury assessment to determine their fitness for the next competitive season. Although many footballers do not like the pre-season training, it is an essential part of the football calendar. It is a time for the coach to load players to have a superior fitness since Pre season can affect the real game
What is pre-season training?
Pre-season training is a time period in which footballers get into fitness activities in preparation for the next season. It enables players to take some months to get their body into good shape before the next season officially begins. Most premier league clubs across the world make provisions for the pre-season training period. Footballers can utilize the pre- season training period to build their fitness inorder to avoid injury when the next season begins.
Pre-season training follows a regular schedule for some weeks or months before the full sport season. It is all about players training to acquire the specific skills and technical know-how that will be good for the sport. Pre-season training is performed and greatly valued in Germany and adequate facilities are provided for that as the country believes in grooming the best footballers.
Many clubs make provisions for a particular location and the state of the art facility to train their players to be physically fit and ready for the next competitive games. The location could be anywhere or any country in the world. For example, Rotherham United 2019/2020 pre-season training was held in Germany and all the players had to travel there. Barcelona’s pre-season training camp in Germany was in Donaueschinge in the German state of Baden-Württemburg for a training that lasted from 28 July until 3 August, 2019.
Most pre-season training takes place for six to 10 weeks and it is believed to be a transformational European experience to train in Germany. Pre-season consists of the following phases such as; Fitness (strength and conditioning), skills development ( ball skill and drills), players assessment( strengths and weaknesses) and game readiness ( physical and mental). Other pre Season training are cardiovascular activities for fitness, Resistance training for muscle building, strength and imbalances,Flexibility training for joints and full motion,Speed and agility for speed and direction, as well as specific sport drills.
Why Pre Season is essential in Football
In the past, Pre-season training wasn’t important but in recent times, it is the best option to keep players fit for a brand new competitive season. It enables footballers to build up a solid fitness, increase their technical capability and ensure they give optimal performance during the official season. By this, players are in for a gruelling training and friendly matches in mid season.
pre-season training aids players to improve their sport skills, drill themselves towards outstanding fitness and performance for the season ahead. With the training, they can start to train to become the best in the field of play.
Pre-Season is a preparation that enables footballers to condition their body and mind to the games so as not to be easily exhausted when playing for 90 minutes. It is also to ensure strength, flexibility on the field. Players can identify their weaknesses and work on it to become their strength before the new season fully starts.
During pre season training involves the fulfilment of these goals such as increase lean body mass, develop an endurance, muscular and metabolic) base.
Why Pre- Season Training takes place in Germany
The environment in Europe , especially in Germany, is one of the best for player development. It enables them to leave their comfort zones to adequately go through the phases of pre- season to be for the next competitive games seasons.
In the world, Germany has been identified as one of the best in producing great players who perform well in their clubs. The environment is conducive and has world-class equipment for training footballers. Statistics revealed that there are more registered coaches in Germany (34,970) than any other country. Germany is one of the best places for pre- season training.