We recently wrote about a brand new football startup company called DribbleUp. The creative sports technology company created a product to help players develop their skills. Now another sports technology company is attempting to revolutionise the sports wearable sector. Xampion has created a removable sole that can be placed inside a football boot. The sole isn’t just a normal shoe sole as it can measure player performance and metrics during training or games.
How does it work?
Players place the Xampion soles into each football boot. The soles will record information and relay it to a paired app on a smartphone or tablet. Coaches and players can then scrutinise the data that is produced. According to Xampion, the data that is recorded includes total number of touches, the foot that receives and controls the ball, which part of the foot was used to control, pass or shoot, player running speed and much more.
Xampion hopes to release its new product in February.
The release of both Xampion and DribbleUp’s products show the number of creative data recording items being produced by companies today. New sports wearables and technology provides great innovative items for grassroots teams and amateur players to use. They also give players at the grassroots level the opportunity to improve by using metrics similar to what players in an academy would experience. It is a great time to be an aspiring football professional.