I love to play and watch football. My favorite team is England, and I am the craziest fan of this team. I have seen a lot of leagues and world cups with my friends, but the most exhilarating sport I have ever seen is none other than Euro 2022 tournament. Mainly, I would like to talk about the knockout stages in which England played against Spain, Sweden and finally Germany because this was the most exhilarating tournament I have ever seen. Football needs no explanation as it shows its beauty itself. In this tournament, brilliant goals and skilled dribbling are worth seeing.
Moreover, there was ruthless competition among the teams as each team had the spirit to win the game. But after every moment passed gave the emotion to become sad or happy. But the comments of Alex about women’s football that it will not grow were saddening. Despite extraordinary, this jaundiced eye comment about the women’s football team is embarrassing.
After listening to these comments, I come across some points in my mind that are, in my opinion, the myths about women’s football teams.
Misconception 1- women’s football is boring
Before falling into the misconception, it is essential to understand that this game was played by teenagers full of testosterone level, energy, and physicality. So that was the reasoning for this game gaining the concept of speed, agility, strength cardiovascular endurance. Now, when we look at such football today, all these attributes are seen more significantly in today’s modern games. For instance, teams with players keeping strong muscles and speed get more attention, respect, and like from the audience.
So when people compare this speed, agility, and power of men with women footballers, they conclude that women’s football is born and there is no sense of enthusiasm in it. Honestly speaking, this comment is not wrong, but based on these points, you can not say the whole football team is boring. But accordion to me, there is no concept to judge the spirit of the game. The absolute truth is that football becomes bopping only when it is watched over and over again, extreme game manship, i.e., time-wasting, committing fouls intently, conception to win the game at all cost, etc., make the game boring. But all of these were not part of women’s football team tournaments claiming that women’s football is boring is a jaundiced eye view.
So, if you are a woman, you should not hope less after listening to all these views of the prejudiced persons, and you should prepare well for the trials because everything looks difficult at the start, meet in the middle and gorgeous at the end.
Misconception 2; women make more errors than men.
To err is a human. And the error is not made intentionally, yet we can minimize mistakes with outstanding commitment. If someone thinks that women make a lot of errors, this is a total misconception about the women they are trying to the misfit in the women’s football team because there has been no study regarding this matter yet.
So being a woman, you should not step back from letting your dream come true because of these misconceptions regarding women’s football teams.
Misconception 3-Female goalkeepers are rubbish
This statement that female goalkeepers are rubbish is the statement most heard. But before concluding, you must know that the testosterone level of males compared to women is higher. Hence, their contractile muscles are more stretchable than women’s, and the average height of the male goalkeeper is more than the female goalkeeper. Still, the height and width of the goal are similar for both men’s and women’s football teams, and women’s goalkeepers are deceived more from the corners.
But one event also proved that misconception wrong when Mary Wraps saved a mishit shot and saved England from losing the match against Spain. England would have been out of the tournament if that outstanding save was not made. This holds of Eraps is a straightforward answer to the misconception that women’s football keepers are rubbish.
So this is also a misconception that women are rubbish goalkeepers, so if your trails for a football keeper are near, you must give deaf ears to these misconceptions and prepare yourself for your trials. The day will be not far when you would be a factor proud like Mary Eraps by saving unbelievable goals.
So, In this article, we have revealed some misconceptions regarding women’s football teams. Women are indeed weaker in endurance, strength, and cardiovascular, but there is no instrument to judge their commitment, determination, and perseverance. And everyone knows these are also the essential elements that must be present in a professional footballer, whether the player is a man or woman.