It is the time of the year in which many players go on football trials. Right now, it is the offseason for many teams and leagues, which gives players the chance to impress new clubs, coaches and scouts.
Football trials aren’t just for players unattached to clubs. Regardless of how much experience you have, you may be asked to go on a trial this offseason before getting the chance to play.
Physical Fitness
A good standard of physical fitness may be the most important aspect of your game for a trial. As you go higher up the football pyramid and play at different levels, you will encounter some top notch players with fitness to spare.
It is vital that you prepare physically ahead of your football trial. If you don’t, you could burn out before you even get started. Physical conditioning and fitness can always be improved upon. Physical fitness could even be the one area you are lacking most at a trial.
It is always better to be over prepared than under prepared in this department at football trials.
Have the Right Attitude
There have been thousands of good players passed on by clubs due to their poor attitudes. A great attitude can be the difference between a player making it and not when they are on the borderline of receiving a contract for a team.
You may believe you have done enough in the football world to earn a contract and not forced to trial. Regardless, you need to have a humble attitude when attending the tryout.
Be Yourself
Plenty of players and coaches claim you need to do something exceptional to stand out at football trials. That is not true, however. By trying to do something exceptional, you can prevent yourself from doing what is needed to succeed.
You should focus on what you do well. Managers, coaches, and scouts want to see what you can do well and what is expected of you on the pitch during games. If you cannot do the simple things that are demanded of you, then they will look elsewhere for players.