Walk into any Premier League dressing room on training or match days, and you will find tables covered in supplements for players. Drinks, bars and gels are three of the most popular items football players use when refuelling. In most cases, players will consume protein following a hard training session or game. So, what are some tips for refuelling with protein?
Refuelling with protein
According to a Stack.com interview with Los Angeles Galaxy manager of sports science, Alex Savva, many supplements are filled with vitamins and ingredients players shouldn’t consume. He states that these supplements won’t help a player, and in some cases, could harm them.
So, what is Savva’s advice for football players when refuelling with protein?
Supplement creators don’t have to be as straightforward as other food makers when selling and marketing their products. Therefore, it is important to know what is inside the supplement you are about to consume. Some supplements may have ingredients that are actually banned by competitions. In addition, you could consume something that actually increases your weight rather than just helping you refuel.
When buying a supplement, Savva explained in his Stack.com interview that football players aren’t trying to get bigger muscles. So, when you pick out your supplement, make sure it is one that improves hydration, and not muscle gain. Once you get the right protein, it is important to know when to consume it. Some are taken best before training while others should be taken afterwards. Watch a Premier League game and you will probably see players handed protein shakes seconds after coming off of the pitch.
Once you find a product you like, refuelling with protein won’t feel like a chore. It will feel like a part of your training schedule. Get a flavour you like and start your recovery after every session to get the most out of your body. The better you take care of you body, the better chances you will have of being a successful football player.