Author: PFBUK-admin

Becoming a pro football player: How much should you be training?

1 May 18

Millions of amateur football players around the world want to know how to make it to the final level. They dream of becoming a pro football player, yet there is something just holding them back. Often,...

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For the love of the game: Dino Ndlovu went from sleeping in train station toilets to the Champions League

26 Apr 18

Football, and sport in general, is often labelled as a way for young people to better their lives. In the case of South African striker Dino Ndlovu, football gave him the chance to live a dream.


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How often do football clubs give trials to players?

23 Apr 18

Young football players always want to know how often football clubs give trials to players?

Clubs regularly give football players trials, but the common misconception by many is that you can email...

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How did Arsene Wenger revolutionise football?

20 Apr 18

Arsene Wenger has announced he will officially step down from Arsenal at the end of the season. His departure will come after managing the club for 22 season and more than 1,200 matches. Wenger has not...

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Does the size of a football player really matter?

16 Apr 18

The old saying goes, it isn't the size of the man in the fight, but the fight in the man. Although that saying can be true to some extent, it isn't always correct when applied to sports like football....

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Will other countries adopt the USSF’s rules on heading the football?

9 Apr 18

In 2015, a group of parents filed a lawsuit against the United States Soccer Federation. The lawsuit stemmed from young players enduring head injuries due to heading the football. In the wake of the lawsuit,...

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Prepare for the summer offseason with a new football CV

3 Apr 18

The football season in many countries is coming to an end. Although many leagues will play over the summer months in the northern hemisphere, other leagues in countries like England, Germany and Spain...

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What do coaches and scouts look for in Goalkeepers at football trials? – Part 2

26 Mar 18

In our last blog, we looked at the first part of what coaches and scouts look for when goalkeepers are on a football trial. In this blog we will continue to look at the important factors coaches and scouts...

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What do coaches and scouts look for in goalkeepers at football trials? – Part 1

19 Mar 18

Goalkeeper is a difficult position. For one, there is only one goalkeeper on the pitch at a time. Unlike other positions, it is unlikely the goalkeeper will be substituted during a match unless an injury...

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What are TruSox and do they really work?

12 Mar 18

There are a lot of products and gimmicks available for football players to buy. Some are great options, like compression clothing; however, other items leave use wanting a little bit more for the money...

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Fatigued? Bounce back faster after football matches

6 Mar 18

For most football players, the season is at the halfway mark. After a difficult and challenging season, players may be feeling fatigued after football matches. So, how can you bounce back at this crucial...

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Football boots: what’s on your feet?

27 Feb 18

Football boots are one of the key components of any player's kit. Without good football boots, a player won't be able to compete on a level playing field against opponents. Poor quality boots could even...

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