Want to be a better goalkeeper? Try these goalkeeper practices at home.
Goalkeeping is a unique position in football. There is only one goalkeeper on the pitch for a team at a time. It is a position in which rotation rarely happens and when a team finds a good goalie, they aren’t often changed.
It is the most demanding position on the football pitch as you must be focused mentally and physically at all times. A good goalie stands out from the pack. A bad one also stands out, unfortunately. If you want to improve your football goalkeeper skills, try these goalkeeper practices at home.
Goalie Footwork
Goalkeeper footwork is vital. The best goalies in the world work on their footwork constantly to improve it. Goalkeeper practice No. 1 is all about footwork
- Place four cones in a box/square pattern. Stand in the middle of the box with a partner on the outside of it.
- Your partner will call out a cone number or colour signalling you to go.
- Sprint to the cone, bend down to touch it, and run back to the starting position.
- Complete the practice 10 times or more. To create more of a challenge, arrange the cones in different shapes.
Goalkeeper Diving
Goalkeepers must work on diving to prevent goals. If you are afraid to dive to stop a shot, it may be time you change positions. Diving can take some time to get used to. If diving to stop shots is difficult, then try this goalkeeper practice. You will nee a partner once more for this drill.
- Stand about five yards from your partner.
- Your partner will throw the football underhand to your left or right.
- Dive to catch the ball, cradle it to your body, and then toss it back to your partner.
- Quickly get back up and in position for the next throw.
- Do this practice about 20 times. As you improve your dives, your partner should throw the ball quicker and give you less time in between turns.
Sliding Goalie Save
This goalkeeper practice focuses on getting on the ground, grabbing the ball, and protecting it with your body. During a game, there are numerous times when you must slide on the ground and hold onto the football. The practice can be completed with a partner, but you can do it solo as well.
- Place the football about half a metre outside of one of the goalposts. Now stand in the centre of the goal.
- Quickly shuffle a few steps then turn and run towards the ball.
- Once you are close to the ball, slide or dive toward the ball, cradle it, and pull it into your body.
- Repeat the practice 10 or more times going toward both sides of the goal.
These goalkeeper practices should help you improve as a goalkeeper and become more confident in net.